A budget doesn’t mean you’re broke.

Mamas Dinero

I am the creator behind Mamas Dinero, a blog dedicated to empowering families to take control of their personal finances. I wholeheartedly believe that anyone can improve their financial life by budgeting, saving, paying down high-interest debt, and investing all while helping others!

(not one size fits all type of finances) 

I started my personal finance journey with over 80k in debt, with a negative net worth, and my credit was hurting really bad ( thanks to piled-up medical bills). Over the past few years, I have built a foundation of strategies for myself and my family...doubling my income, which led me to purchasing investment properties to begin my real estate portfolio. Did I mention they are OUT OF STATE! I am dreaming BIG. To live bicoastal internationally, have cows and craft shop all while teaching my daughter that money isn’t bad.

I keep it 100% real I still have a mortgage and some student loans but when you have a plan you get things done!

I am also an avid believer that you can continue to enjoy your life while pursuing financial independence and sharing that specialized knowledge is key (that’s why we have Papi’s Deals!)

Plus, be sure to check out my non-profit and Craft Studio


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Alicia Sanchez

Alicia Sanchez wears many hats, She's the founder behind "Dear God Are We There Yet," a non-profit volunteer community. She also runs Felicita and Faustina, a studio shop inspired by her Dominican grandmas . A marketing maven at Alchemi Makreting. And get this—she's all about teaching budgets and investing in rentals. Check out her blog, MamasDinero.com, where she's all about helping families get savvy with their dinero. Oh, and did I mention? She's a wife and mom to a four-year-old who's basically her CEO!

Make a budget.

Closer to freedom.