How to start a cleaning business and make $2k per week without cleaning yourself
Sounds interesting? Doesn’t it?
Well in the ever-rising inflation, a second income stream is a must-have. Even better if you could turn this second income stream into your main business.
The cleaning business is the answer to your woes. A simple business with no technical complexities making you good bucks every week and an excellent opportunity to scale up. And make up to 100 GRANDS A YEAR with recurring clients. Listen my Papi came to this country and seriously built a VERY successful cleaning business. I know firsthand that cleaning businesses have more to them than people actually share.

In this blog, I would be spilling out secrets of the cleaning business that will help you start and make ATLEAST 2 GRANDS PER WEEK. We will discuss
- Why cleaning business?
- Which cleaning services you should offer to make a quick $2K per week?
- My journey in the cleaning business and secrets to starting with a minimum budget.
- How to start a business from scratch?
- Time required to reach your goal of $2K per week and the right time to scale the business.
So, if you are a hustler who wants to add some extra $$ to your income with the least effort. You are at the Right Place. I am going to share the complete process from scratch. After this video, you would be prepared for starting your cleaning business and make additional grants per week without even CLEANING YOURSELF.
How to start a cleaning business, and earn more more than $2K weekly
Why cleaning business?
This is one of the easiest business ventures. You would need just the basic accessories and you are set to start. Do you know what the BEST thing about this business is? It scales on its own. You need just a few clients and recurring $$ would be at your disposal.
Let us be honest, don’t you need an ADDITIONAL $2K PER WEEK to be financially more independent? Then cleaning business is your one-stop solution for attaining financial freedom.
Which cleaning services you should offer to make a quick $2K per week?
You can simply choose one service at a time. Start with sofa cleaning. Easy, quick, and takes minimum effort to simply clean out a sofa. If you are not a fan of sofa cleaning, chose window cleaning.
If households are not something that clicks you, you can choose corporate offices or churches, or any other cleaning service All of these services come with recurring clients and you need a few of them to create your business empire.
Chose the service which you are comfortable with, nevertheless, you won’t be working yourself. Either way, you get that 2 grand per week.
You must be thinking why is she stressing a lot about this business?
Well, I am a firsthand witness to watching it all happen and have been a part of the same business for quite a good period.
My father was associated with the cleaning business. He would offer services of window cleaning, floor cleaning, sofa cleaning, and mega mansions!
And he was not limited to houses only. He had numerous clients from churches, hair salons, and corporate offices. The best thing I learned from my father’s cleaning business was, how easily he would manage all the workload, especially when we went on vacation!
I observed him closely and I am here sharing them with you. You can achieve the same goal with the bare minimum investment and effort.
No one can tell you the nitty-gritty of this business and hacks well than I can. So are you willing to learn from me? Or work hard and stay in the rat race?
How to start a business from scratch?
Think of a business venture that requires no skilled training. Did you find any business? The answer is probably NO
Every business requires skills and expertise. If you have both the skill and expertise, you would seek capital and invest in your business.
You can have zero skills in the cleaning business and still make ATLEAST $2K PER WEEK.
And investment? Well, it’s not more than a few meals at McDonald’s.
Time required to reach your goal of $2K per week and the right time to scale the business.
A famous saying is, that the more you beat the coffee the better the taste you get. The same is with the cleaning business.
You take the first step and you are already ahead of 50% who are not willing to give a shot for financial freedom. The more quick learner you are higher your success chances. Once equipped with the right mindset. There is no stopping back and you are bound to succeed.
I strongly recommend that you should give it a try and see for yourself how easy it is and how rewarding it is for you.
So, hop on and find out the secrets to this untapped and underrated business. Your financial freedom is one shot away.
how to start a cleaning business - cleaning business - how to start your own cleaning business - how to set up a cleaning business - how to start a cleaning business from scratch - side hustle outdoors - side hustle without skills - side hustle for someone with no skills - side hustle without skills activities - Cleaning passive income