Investing in the stock market is not just for professionals or people who have a lot of money.
It’s also something that college students should consider because it can help them build their futures.
As long as you have some cash to invest, you can buy stocks and grow your money while you are still in school.
You might even be able to make more money than some people with full-time jobs already!
Understanding investment basics
“I never invest in individual stocks unless I’ve done the necessary homework. There are too many risks involved”
Investing in stocks;
When you buy stocks, you’re buying a small piece of ownership in a company.
This is also known as equity.
It’s different than bonds, which offer lenders an interest payment every year until they get their money back (which includes the original loan).
Stocks, on the other hand, pay dividends to investors who hold shares when there are profits for companies to distribute.
You can purchase shares through banking institutions or investment brokers/agents for commission fees that may be high by investing online.
The market value of your investment can change every day based on supply and demand, so invest only in stable companies with good prospects for growth.
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