There should be a fine line between saving and spending, and one should have the sound financial knowledge to incorporate these techniques into daily life. Being knowledgeable on how to use cash flow vs sinking funds early enough, could lead you to the point of being financially free. It is the dream of everyone to spend a life full of joys and luxuries, but it is for you who are filthy rich. It is familiar to many people who save money that they feel deprived of something. Our community has made it difficult for us to strive for our best....
This question is always a point of high anxiety, and one gets worried when they think about their retirement and saving enough for it. Then, we come up with the question of whether there is a ballpark figure on how much I should save for retirement. There is multiple dimension to these questions. But there is always a sensible way for everything. Usually, everyone would suggest saving 10-15 percent of your earnings for your retirement fund, but this is somewhat too conventional, we need to have a good estimate on how much money one should save for retirement.There should be...
You can put up to $10,000 a year in a Series I Savings Bond as a hedge against inflation. It’s paying 9.62 percent. Rising inflation has been bad for consumers with the escalating cost of gas, groceries and rent causing people on the financial edge to struggle even more. But for investors with money to spare and who are looking for safety, inflation has been good for Series I Bonds, which the Treasury Department announced will be paying 9.62 percent until the end of October. Financial experts warn investors about chasing returns. However, this may be a good time to...
Saving for the holidays can be a soooooo stressful, especially if you are on a tight budget. However, with a little bit of planning and some creative thinking, you can easily save $500 by Christmas! In this blog post, we will outline a plan that will help you beat holiday debt and have plenty of money to celebrate the season! First, let's start with a few basics. If you are currently not saving any money each month, now is the time to start! Even if you can only put away $50 per month, that will add up to $600 by...