No matter your financial situation, you can always find ways to save money and cut expenses.
You just need to look for them.
The right mindset will help you and the tips in the article will do the rest.
If you’re ready, let’s get into it!
1. Watch for sales and use coupons every time you shop. These two things alone can save you hundreds of dollars a year. If there’s no sale, wait for one to come along rather than paying full price.
2. You need to learn why prices fluctuate and how your local economy works so that you know when stores are marking up their goods and when they’re marking them down.
It takes research but you’ll be able to predict what will go on sale next and which products will go on sale at different times throughout the year.
Look out for items that retailers always discount such as food (products with a short shelf life like bread), clothes (in fashion or out of fashion?), furniture, and electronics (newer models are always released).
3. Don’t buy non-necessities if you can avoid it.
You probably don’t need to spend $5 every day on a coffee or $50 at the bar every weekend.
This may not seem like much but over the course of a year this money can add up quickly!
That’s about what you’d pay for a holiday somewhere nice.
Make your own coffee instead, its cheaper
4. If there are groceries you rarely eat at home or items you only use once in a blue moon, don’t buy them when you go shopping.
You’d be surprised how many household items we’ve bought that we only need to use once and then never again!
This can save you hundreds of dollars in a year.
5. Make your own snacks and lunch instead of buying them from the shops. If you work in an office or share an apartment with others, this is really easy to do and it’ll save you so much money over time.
6. When food shopping (and perhaps even clothing), consider buying things on sale but not in your regular size. Buy them slightly bigger than usual and wait for them to shrink at least one size before wearing them because most clothes shrink after the first wash.
7. For food shopping, you can save a lot of money if you go to the markets rather than supermarkets because their prices are lower.
You can also buy fresh fruit and vegetables at even cheaper prices here – often they’re literally healthier because there’s less processing involved!
8. If your state or country has farmers’ markets, they may have free samples so check them out when you visit.
9. Get up an hour before work and make your lunch for that day rather than buying something outside or cooking yourself then leaving it in the fridge.
If you make your lunch in the morning, this is one less thing to worry about during the day and saves money.
Plus, most of these lunches can be put together in five minutes or less!
10. Don’t eat out with friends as often as you do now because it costs a lot of money and there’s no point if you’re just going to end up at home anyway. Make sure that when you do go out with people or meet them for dinner, it’s somewhere inexpensive so that it doesn’t have too much of an impact on your finances.
11. Give some thought as to whether what you spend your money on actually makes a difference to your life. For example, do you really need to spend $70 per month on cable TV? This is just one channel! Do you really go through that many DVDs or Blu-rays at home? You can save money by subscribing to Netflix for example.
12. If you enjoy watching sports, consider getting ESPN instead of purchasing individual sports subscriptions because this may be cheaper in the long run .
13. Stop buying your groceries at superstores because the prices are much higher than other convenience stores .
14. Go through your cell phone bill every month and decide what service charges or payments you no longer use so that they can be removed from your next payment schedule. If this is done over 12 months, these fees will pay for your phone and you’ll be saving money in the long run!
15. If you don’t use your gym membership often, cancel it altogether because it’s a waste of money (especially if you go every few months!). Instead, get some home fitness equipment like a treadmill, dumbbells or even nothing at all because if you walk around when watching television, that counts as exercise. You’ll save money in the long run by not paying for something that isn’t being used.
Big budgets planner - budgeting for beginners - budgets