Want to know my biggest fear?
This glimpse of working until I am 70, living off of Social Security and I won't even have enough money to buy groceries at the Dollar Tree because I decided to buy $1k Beyonce tickets in 2023
When I could’ve used that money to invest, so I can retire young enough to drop it like it's hot with Bad Bunny while my American Express Points Pay for that experience and my dividends make it rain.

If this image scares you too–keep reading!
There’s this false notion that you can’t start saving or investing unless you have a shiiiiiii ton of money. False. That’s like waiting to go to the gym until you lose weight–it doesn’t make any sense. So let’s look at the ways you can, for real, get serious about saving.
Have an ACTIVE budget.
Mamacita, a budget allows you to see where your money is actually going. Despite common beliefs, budgeting isn’t for broke people. I love a good budget. With a budget you can identify the potential pockets of opportunity and increase your cash savings–every single month.
If your partner has been the one handling all the finances, Mama, it’s time to get involved. Start by downloading my financial audit checklist and schedule money talks with your partner.

Diversify your income
Last year, I started UGC as one of my income streams. Having different income streams allows you to use that money for so many things–without taking away from your monthly budget.
Maybe you want to accelerate your debt payoff, or you want to increase your emergency fund, or maybe you want to max out your investment accounts. Whatever you want to use that money for–don't be afraid to create a side hustle or a side business to bring in extra money.
There are opportunities all around you–you just need to be looking.

Retire Early
We are sold on money stories that do not benefit us. Maybe you were told to go to school, work one job, and retire at 70–hoping you have enough saved to live off of.
It doesn’t have to be this way.
Let me repeat, Mama, it does not have to be this way.
Say adiós to being 70 and shopping at Dollar Tree–I want to be living my best life when I’m retired and I want to be young enough to enjoy it.
This Masterclass was life-changing for me.

Learn just like I did, how to retire early, and live a stress-free soft life–where my money is working for me, not me working for my money.
You’ll learn:
How to live off of your investments
Creative ways that you can save money
How to invest in the stock market and real estate
Reducing Your Housing Costs
And so much more!
Look, I know what you’re thinking…
“How is this possible for someone like me?”
Mama, I promise you, if I can do it–you can do it. With consistency and purpose, you can transform your life and your future.
Also, don’t take my word for it go follow @ourrichjourney and see the PROOF